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Hand Surgery

The Hand Surgery team within the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine — in partnership with our affiliated hospitals — offers education, research and patient care related to the musculoskeletal care for the hand and upper extremity.

What We Do


The faculty members within the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery's Hand Surgery section offer students and residents comprehensive training on musculoskeletal diseases and conditions and the surgical skills required to address them. The team focuses on developing exceptional patient care skills. Mentoring opportunities and close interactions between attending surgeons and both medical students and residents — including weekly teaching conferences in hand surgery — round out the educational experience.


Our faculty are actively involved in ongoing research efforts. Visit our department's Research section for more information.

 Patient Care

Our team specializes in the care of trauma, nerve deficits and musculoskeletal diseases affecting the hand. Beyond with other upper extremity issues (related to the shoulder and elbow), they provides care for approximately 2,500 patients annually, with the majority of surgical cases requiring no hospital admission.

Visit our department's Patient Care page for more information.

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