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Six residents are selected each year through the National Resident Matching Program. Incoming residents spend the first year in a core program that includes rotations in trauma, emergency medicine, general surgery, neurological surgery and plastic surgery. Throughout their residency, our residents participate in courses through the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and continue fracture management education.

We offer training rich in clinical variety, flexiblity and responsibility. Residents receive training and balanced clinical experience in a variety of subspecialties. See our Divisions page for more detail.

Resident Research

We believe research is an integral part of our resident's education. Not only is research part of developing a trainee's medical knowledge regarding orthopedic surgery, but it initiates them on a path for lifelong learning within the field. It is a critical skill to be able to evaluate research to determine its quality of the work and also its impact on clinical care.

With that in mind, we have developed a structured program for residents to not only evaluate current research in publication, but also to complete their own research projects for submission prior to graduation. Each year of residency has different milestones necessary for the progression of a minimum of one to two research projects prior to graduation. Most residents that graduate from the program exceed this expectation. Great mentorship throughout the department combined with a structured research development plan has made resident research from our department very productive and educational.

To learn more about the our research projects, please visit our visit our Research section. If you have any questions regarding the research infrastructure within our department, please feel free to contact us.

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